Friday, January 30, 2015

dorm room decor

this was one of the most important things we worried about as we got ready to head to college. what's the theme? what should go on the walls? does it match my personality? is it instagram worthy? hopefully we can offer some helpful tips and pretty suggestions for your dorm decorating. 

taylor's thought process
when I started thinking about what I wanted for my dorm, I knew I wanted to keep it light because my room would be so small. it was a risk getting a white quilt but so far I haven't spilled anything on it besides some lilac nail polish. I also love cream and gold so I added small accessories that have gold in them. 

one of the biggest debates was what was I going to do with my wall. tapestry, photos, lights? I ended up with photos because I wanted to remind myself of being home. I was able to find these cheap, white frames from ikea to give my photos a more finished look instead of just taping them to the wall. the polaroids I have collected through last semester to represent my new memories here. and finally at first I wasn't going to have lights but the lighting is horrendous in my room so it became a necessity. 

don't forget some throw pillows and a blanket to snuggle up in on those cold nights to watch your favorite tv show or movie. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

city versus campus | heading back

heading back to school after having more than a month off is a shock to both of our systems. but going back to a city versus campus does bring its differences.

concrete jungle:
after having more than a month off I feel the draw of the city. I am excited to be back and to see friends and explore again. I have run into more people I know randomly on the street in the last 24 hours than I do sometimes in a week and its a nice reminder that the city doesn't always need to feel so big. 

it will be hard to get back into the swing of things with tomorrow being my first day of classes but you gotta do what you gotta do. hopefully my new classes will be a little more interesting than last semesters were. and the fact that the street noises kept me up last night tells me I have been away for far too long.

I hope this semester brings amazing new adventures, which may begin tomorrow with a huge blizzard coming to the city and lucky me I forgot my parka at home. so wish me luck.

after five weeks off of school the last thing I wanted to do was get back to classes, homework, and a dunkin donuts campus. I especially didn't want to leave all of my family, high school friends, and dog behind. it's like I had just acclimated to my old life that I missed so much. 

sharing my room with another person after the long hiatus hasn't been the highlight of my return either. after a week I am still not used to hearing her high pitched voice stumble into my room and eventually her bed on the dot at 2 am each night. at least her one night out a week rule didn't stick. 

but returning has had it's pluses. new classes means another chance to meet new people. everyone is eager to go out so campus is not dead yet. spring rush starts in a matter of days, and while I've been back I've managed to find myself an on campus job. things are looking up, and I'm excited to see what's next.

until the next, chels and tc

Thursday, January 22, 2015

topshop x freedom found preview

last night I attended the preview event for danielle bernstein's, of weworewhat, jewelry collaboration with topshop. the collection was inspired by a trip she took to istanbul and this is seen throughout all the pieces. some of my favorite pieces are pictured below. 

topshop necklace
topshop bracelet 1
topshop bracelet 2
topshop bracelet 3
topshop ring

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

city versus campus | keeping warm

living in cold places means some extra shopping in the winter and who would ever pass up more shopping. here are some of our favorite picks.

for city living:

river island coat

a coat is the basis of any great winter outfit. its the one item you will have to wear over and over again and this one will stand out in all the black in the city.

urban outfitters hat

believe me this hat will come in handy. it not only adds that next level to an outfit but it is also perfect for covering up that bad hair day. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

chapter 1 of my autobiography

my name is chelsea and I go to babson college and you definitely have never heard of it. babson is a small business school right outside of boston. when I say small, I mean smaller than my high school. I sometimes ponder if I am actually attending boarding school rather than college. but babson is a good school, and most of the classes have a maximum of 20 kids in it. I love the education, but I thought going to a small school would let my huge personality shine. I now find that I've been lost in the ranks. 

I'm a loud jewish girl with glasses--which is often deceptive enough into convincing people that I am nice and nonjudgmental. it works to my advantage. 

but in reality, I'm just a girl who gets along with the masses who also simultaneously struggles to find those unfiltered friendships. I want a few girls to prance around town with, dressed completely in lulu lemon (coming from our exhausting workouts at the gym) and carrying starbucks. some would call it a reality tv show, I would call it my fantasy. 

college is everything and nothing of what I expected it to be. hopefully I can explain myself better a little bit later. 

o chelsea 

city girl

this is taylor here. just to quickly get the basics out of the way. I am a freshman at the stern school of business at new york university. living in the city is just about everything I imagined it to be.

I'm the classic introvert that likes hanging with a few friends more than going to a party. I fool many people by seeming quiet in the beginning; but get to know me and I become loud and talkative. because of this I understand the pain of all other introverts. 

the loves of my life are music, food, and clothing. if I could I would go to a concert every weekend, stuff my face with chocolate, and finish it off with a shopping spree. if someone can find a way for me to do that without horrible consequences please share. 

so those other introverts who enjoy overindulging in things talk to me. we can share in our dilemma.

x taylor 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

wait...what we're blogging?

as our first obligatory post we want to tell you that we are two decently normal girls who are freshmen in college, one in a city and one on a campus. we want to solve all college mysteries and reveal all college myths. we obliviously don't know it all but we try too. 

we have been best friends since freshman year in high school who share a love of lifestyle blogs, fashion, and each other. we will introduce ourselves more in upcoming posts. 

comment below with something you would want us to talk about. 

until the next, chels and taylor